User profile photo

Else-Maj Mickelsson



I specialize in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, as well as pelvic floor and masticatory muscle issues.


Classic massageMuscle membrane massageMusculoskeletal physiotherapyNeurological rehabilitationPelvic floor physiotherapyPhysiotherapy for the elderlyPhysiotherapy of masticatory organs

Customer groups

Adults 18-67yElderly over 67y


Purentaelinten fysioterapia

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TULE-erikoistunut osaaja (30 op)

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Faskiamanipulaatio Stecco level 2

Lounais-Suomen fysioterapeutit, 2023

Faskiamanipulaatio Stecco level 2

Lounais-Suomen fysioterapeutit, 2023

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Varalan urheiluopisto, 2022

Language skills



Back painNeck and shoulder painPainRespiratory problemsProblems with biteSports injuriesLower back painTight musclesRehabilitation after surgeryElbow painNumbness of hands and feetMuscle tensionHip painOsteoarthritisShoulder painPostoperative rehabilitationLimitation of spine mobilityMuscle tension caused by stressBalance problemsTennis elbowUrinary incontinence