Cookie policy

On this page we explain how we use cookies in the Service and how the user may manage and monitor the use of cookies.

What are cookies?

Our webpages use cookies to improve the service. A cookie is a small text file, which is sent to the user's device when the user visits the webpage. Cookies do not cause harm to the users' devices or files.

What do we use cookies for?

We use cookies to improve the usability of the Service. With cookies we can collect information about the use of the Service and about the end devices and web browsers of the users visiting the webpage. Cookies can make it easier for you to use the Service. The cookie data we use is anonymous and cannot be connected to a particular individual.

Cookies used by the Service

Cookies can be divided by duration or purpose of use. Session specific cookies will function from the moment the browser is opened until it is closed. When the user closes the browser, the cookies are deleted automatically. Permanent cookies have a predetermined time of use and will remain in the browser until the time of use is reached or the user deletes the cookies.

We use cookies in the following classes:

Required cookies

Required cookies are important for the basic functions of our webpage: functions and technical actions without which the webpage cannot function. These cookies cannot be removed from use.


We use statistical cookies to follow the actions of people visiting our webpage and to do analyses which help us optimize our webpage. This means that we can develop our service to be better and to serve our users better.

Marketing cookies

Using marketing cookies, we can target marketing from different webpages or target content from social media for you. These cookies are saved by third party marketing and targeting tools. Using cookies these parties can create a profile on your interests. If you do not accept these cookies, you won't see targeted marketing and you may not be able to use the sharing tools for social media.

For the time being we are not using marketing cookies.